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"If you are patient in one moment of anger,

   you will escape a thousand days of sorrow."

                                                -Shakyamuni Buddha

Welcome to Perfect Harmony

Through the discipline and practice of meditation and inner self reflection, we can learn to master and control our minds away from the material world going on around us, and discover, explore, and learn more about our inner being-ness. This also enables us to connect with the infinite world residing within. A world of calmness, peace, wonder, and knowledge, that has and always shall reside within every human being. With continued discipline and practice our thoughts will become less scattered and will decrease, enabling a more peaceful and centered mind. We will become more responsive in our interactions with others and less reactive. More understanding and less judgemental, more peaceful and calm in our daily dealings with others.


"A plant does not resist growth or change, it simply flows with it and unfolds in true perfection.

Why do you not do the same? Why not take a leaf out of Nature's book?

Learn to relax and flow with life, finding real joy and inner contentment."

                                                                                                           -Eileen Caddy

Four Moments in TimeEdmund Quinn Landale
00:00 / 02:34

Four Moments in Time:


Mothers Birthdays Days in song,

Families trying, in jest, and in earn-est,

Striving simply to get along,

The moment now be blessed.


Bearing many sorts and wounds,

With staunch progression forwards,

Trials, tribulations, and alas, ruins, and Runes,

Leading speech in action beyond thine words.


An eternal student seeking,

The teaching of those ones alike,

Tumbetin did Di, with I peaking;

Illimitably left to right mines psyche.


Those things in life which bring this home,

Are chanced by God and self-reflection,

Art as painting weekly friends who roam,

Fervently to learn, in my First-Class redirection.


And yet, such art came later after me,

Modelling some unknown painter’s needs,

That romantically ambrosial aroma see,

Led astray mine unwise deeds.


These experiences, acknowledged insight rather,

Shall mostly belong much to my father,

For memories pertaining thus,

Suchness; such is life no fuss.


The irony, questions to this day remain,

While answers never find my name,

However, Ludwig did so point it out;

This silence simply means, non-doubt.


Wishing all the best it seems what’s worst,

For as Mark gaveth us the good word,

It’s What It Is, is always Life’s great thirst,

Now flying free; a noble Pheonix Bird.

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